Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Terukir di Bintang

Beberapa minggu dari sekarang aku mendaftar di pusat asasi universiti islam antarabangsa,
aku rasa teramat gembira kerana impian aku selama ini untuk memasuki unversiti berprestij itu akhirnya dimakbulkan Allah...
Alhamdulillah.....segala puji hanyalah untukNYA.


Ada sedikit kegusaran di benakku,
adakah aku mampu untuk 'membawa' subjek matematik, akaun dan ekonomi kelak?
bukan apa,
aku cuma gusar kerana ketika zaman persekolahan aku tidak megambil subjek akaun dan ekonomi.
aku juga lemah sedikit dalam subjek matematik.
sudah ditakdirkan untukku untuk mengambil bidang ekonomi dan sains pengurusan di uia kelak,
ini bermakna aku 'terpaksa' melupakan subjek sains tulen yang aku pelajari ketika di sekolah dahulu.


Ijazah Sarjana Muda Akauntan,
menjadi gengamanku kelak...
Ya, aku tahu masih terlalu awal untuk memperkatakannya,
tidak salah untuk mencoret dan melakar impian...

Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim....

Berilah hambaMu ini kekuatan dalam menghadapi hari-hari mendatang...

Semoga hambaMu ini sentiasa bersyukur dengan setiap kurnianMU...amin...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

step to university

4 JUN 2012

On that date I will enroll at cfsiium which stand for Centre for Foundation Studies International Islamic University. I take science management for the foundation. I think i want further my study in accountancy for degree..InsyaAllah..:) I seek to Allah i can do my best in account and math subjects because i don't take account during my school life and i also a bit weak in maths. I also wish i able to get many friends that  are very kind and lend a hand when i need them..amin....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Determination: the ability to strive for something no matter how difficult it may be to achieve.
Determination is among the most important traits a person can bear.  With determination comes strong 
will, optimism and a good set of priorities. When people are determined, they have the drive to work throught
difficult times, reaching for their goals and pushing themselves to do their very best. Determination is a very 
powerful characteristics, one that truly impacts your life..

Friday, May 4, 2012

BE HAPPY...:) don't stress anymore

It is crucial to have fun in your life, as a way to relieve stress, stay connected with others, maintain balance 
and stave off burnout. In childhood, it's easy to have fun, but in adulthood, fun often
needs to become a priority. Do you have enough  fun in your life? And what do you do to have fun and blow off stress? here I give u the tips to have fun..chill: )

just take a warm bath and try to relax. Drop your problems for a while and just chill. 
Dance, sing, hangout with friends, call an old friend, bring yourself a present...and remember that life is simple, so don;t complicate it..:)

Go google it!! Yes you heard me! go point your cursor to the above search engine
or the following into the above space where there is a jumble of letters and symbols

Fall asleep and fill your mind with activities that you love. That comes from the mind  and heart

Just get out and skip or run. It;s the best way to have fun. Feeling down  or 
depressed? Tie your lace and race.

If you want to have fun, you can learn new things like 
how to do a flip, how to skateboard, how to dance